Lawn Paints

Lawn Paint, Endurant Perennial Rye, Front package

Endurant Perennial Rye

Endurant Perennial Rye (PR) is an ultra-concentrated paint that provides a vibrant NATURAL dark green look. Endurant PR can be used on any species of Australian grasses, depending on the desired result. Endurant PR is often used during winter dormancy on fully brown grass but can be added to enhance colour all year long.



Endurant Turf Enhancer

Endurant Turf Enhancer (TE) is a full pigment. TE is made specifically for use on actively growing grass. It is exclusively used on grass that is still green with chlorophyll. The bright lime green of TE gives the grass extra wow factor, enhancing the existing chlorophyll and colour. TE is not intended for fully dormant brown lawns. TE is great for all grass species for use in spring, summer, autumn and even winter if the colour and chlorophyll exist.

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Specialty Products

Endurant Spray n Stay

Spray n Stay is often used to keep colourant off uniforms. It is also used where there is high friction on the surface of the grass to avoid colour rub-off or transfer.

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